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Fat Graft Breast Augmentation – Melbourne


Why consider fat graft breast augmentation surgery?  |  Consultation   Patient FAQ's


Autologous fat graft breast augmentation or fat injection is a surgical technique offered at NorthEast Plastic Surgery Melbourne to achieve breast enlargement.

The technique involves scarring which is typically 3-5 mm long, can be performed as a day surgery which enables patients to recover in their homes and typically has a recovery time of approximately one to two weeks.

Why consider fat graft breast augmentation surgery?

Patients who have undergone fat graft breast surgery at NorthEast Plastic Surgery Melbourne have sought to:

  • Enlarge their breast size, shape and projection with or without the use of breast implants

Autologous fat graft surgery procedure can be considered when seeking one to two cup breast augmentation with permanent and natural enhancement of breast volume and shape.

Autologous fat graft breast augmentation avoids the risks associated with breast implants such as visible rippling, edge palpability and visibility. The risk of revisional surgery to address implant malposition, rupture or capsular contracture is also avoided. The risk of Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, is zero when breast enhancement is performed using your own tissue, without the use of implants.

Where a significant breast enlargement is sought in excess of one to two cup sizes, fat graft surgery can be used in conjunction with implants to augment the soft tissue cover of the upper pole of the breasts in very thin patients or cleavage in patients who have an anatomically wide sternum. Fat graft surgery is an adjunct to implant breast augmentation in these circumstances.


  • Combine fat grafting with breast lift or mastopexy surgery

Augmentation mastopexy using autologous fat grafting is a technique offered at NorthEast Plastic Surgery. It has been used to address breast ptosis and to add volume to the upper pole of the breasts. Patients have undergone this type of surgery following pregnancy, breast feeding and weight loss.

The breast lift surgery repositions the breast volume and nipple areolar complexes and fat grafting is used to define cleavage and upper pole fullness. The combination of two techniques can create an augmented breast appearance without the use of implants.

This one step technique avoids the need for two step implant augmentation mastopexy surgery which may be necessary to avoid the risk of nipple necrosis. The reason is that at graft augmentation avoids the need for implant pocket creation.


  • Breast fat augmentation combined with breast implant removal.

The Surgeons of NorthEast Plastic Surgery Melbourne have experience with breast implant removal including total capsulectomy or “en bloc” capsulectomy surgery where appropriate, combined with fat grafting of the breast.

Patients who seek this surgery either wish to avoid ongoing surgery of implant removal and/or replacement or have experienced issues with their implants including pain or elements of Systemic Symptoms associated with Breast Implants (SSBI) or Breast Implant Illness (BII).
Whilst current scientific knowledge does not support silicone implants as a cause of these systemic symptoms, at NorthEast Plastic Surgery Melbourne, we respect the patient’s choice to remove their implants. Surgical techniques where appropriate include total capsulectomy or ‘en bloc’ capsulectomy techniques. When combined with fat grafting, breast volume is enlarged using the patient’s own fat tissue.


  • Breast reconstruction following mastectomy surgery

Women who have undergone mastectomy surgery followed by breast reconstruction using implants alone, in combination with fat grafting or using fat grafting techniques alone have achieved satisfactory outcomes at NorthEast Plastic Surgery Melbourne.

The autologous fat grafting in these patients has the ability to augment the breasts selectively and where it is required as determined by the mastectomy. Unlike implants which are largely pre-determined in shape, volume and projection, the fat graft can be precisely injected to address contour defects.


  • Correction of congenital breast asymmetry

The Surgeons of NorthEast Plastic Surgery have experience in the treatment of developmental breast asymmetry using a combination of techniques including autologous fat grafting tailored to meet the specific aesthetic requirements.

In younger patients for whom the scar burden of breast implant surgery can be a concern, fat graft surgery which involves a series of 3-5 mm scars may be more acceptable.

Why consider NorthEast Plastic Surgery Melbourne for breast augmentation using autologous fat injection?

The Surgeons of NorthEast Plastic Surgery Melbourne are experienced at fat graft breast augmentation surgery also known as autologous fat injection surgery and have achieved outcomes for patients seeking to augment their breasts naturally.

Autologous fat grafting literally involves using the patient’s own fat deposits to achieve breast augmentation and the Surgeons of NorthEast Plastic Surgery Melbourne have expertise in fat graft surgery of faces, breasts and contour defects elsewhere in the body.

The success of fat graft breast augmentation like all grafts used in plastic surgery, is dependant on the degree of fat graft “take”. In practical terms, this is the proportion of fat which will survive long term thereby achieving the aesthetic goal.

The key to fat graft take include surgical technique and patient factors such as the history of cigarette smoking and in addition to the quality of available fat stores, also known as the “donor site” and degree of scaring of the recipient site, which is where the fat is grafted.

At NorthEast Plastic Surgery Melbourne, achieving successful fat graft breast augmentation involves a treatment protocol centred around careful patient assessment and optimisation at various stages of the treatment process.

The consultation process

  • The focus of the consultation process is comprehensive patient assessment to establish the goals of surgery regarding breast size, shape and aesthetic.
  • A further aim of the consultation is to identify potential pitfalls which may be modified to optimise fat graft take including cigarette smoking.
  • Identification and management of factors which may limit fat graft take or potentially cause a problem at the donor site such as blood thinning medication is important.
  • Examination is undertaken to identify potential fat graft donor sites which are most suitable to not only yield the necessary fat graft material but to also minimise volume fluctuations with weight changes. This examination will also focus on body re-shaping to a degree as liposuction techniques are used to harvest fat at the donor sites.
  • Once the assessment process is completed, you be carefully counselled regarding the realistic expectation of fat graft breast augmentation.

The NorthEast Plastic Surgery Melbourne “three step treatment protocol” is aimed at optimising fat graft breast surgery outcomes.

In preparation for your fat graft breast augmentation you will be actively managed with:

  • Careful attention to optimising the conditions for fat transfer prior to surgery
  • Surgical techniques to optimise grafted fat cell “take”
  • Advice regarding the post surgery aftercare instructions aimed at optimising long term fat graft survival.

Patient FAQ’s include

Is fat graft breast augmentation surgery safe?

Fat grafting is a surgical technique which utilises your own fat cells but like any surgical procedure involves risks which will be explained to you during your consultation and also in writing during the consent process.


What happens to the fat which fails to take as a graft?

The fat graft cells which fail to successfully acquire a blood supply will fail to survive and are usually removed by your body. In some circumstances, the fat cells can form an “oil cyst” or “fat necrosis” which can appear as a “breast lump” and can be diagnosed with an ultrasound study combined with aspiration of material for examination in a relatively straight forward manner.


Will I be able to breast feed after fat graft surgery?

The ability to breast feed after fat graft breast augmentation should not be affected. When the fat graft cells are placed within the breast tissue the surgical technique does not disruption breast tissues necessary for lactation.


Will nipple sensation be affected after fat injection surgery?

Breast and nipple sensation should not be affected after fat injection surgery unlike breast implant surgery where nipple sensation can be affected.


Will I be able to “feel” the fat graft?
Fat grafted breasts can feel firm but unlike a breast augmented with an implant, should not feel hard and no implant edge palpability or visibility will occur.


Can I have mammograms and breast ultrasound studies after fat graft surgery?
Routine mammography and ultrasound studies can be performed after fat graft surgery with accurate imaging of the breasts in respect of the diagnosis of breast cancers. Having fat graft breast augmentation should not prevent the ability to detect breast cancers with imaging techniques.


When will I know if the fat graft surgery has been successful?
The fat graft, like all grafts are considered to have successfully taken once a blood supply has been established. Given a degree of breast swelling can be expected after any surgical procedure, the degree of fat graft take is best appreciated after three to four weeks after the surgery.

Significant weight loss should be avoided after this period to optimise the longevity of the aesthetic outcome.

Second Opinion

Mr Patrick Tansley MD FRCS (Plast) and Dr Sugitha Seneviratne FRACS (Plast) provide second opinion to patients seeking to address problems following plastic surgery performed elsewhere and revisional or corrective surgery. If you would like a second opinion on previously undertaken surgery, book a consultation to discuss this with one or both of our surgeons.

Before & After Photos

As the privacy of our patients is of the utmost importance to us, we do not provide before and after photos on our website. You will be shown a number of before and after images during your private consultation to illustrate the potential outcomes of surgery. These images have been provided by previous patients who have consented to their private use.

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T: (03) 9088 5000
F (03) 9088 5001
P 0411865055
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