Spontaneous Regression and Resolution of Breast Implant- Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma

In February 2018 Mr Tansley published a paper in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery entitled 'Spontaneous Regression and Resolution of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: Implications for Research, Diagnosis an Clinical Management.

Please access full article via the following link

Want to know more about breast implants?

Click the link below to read more on Dr Patrick Tansley and the Plastic Surgery Hub.


Capsular contracture-the commonest complication of breast implants

The photograph below shows a precise surgical dissection to remove implants badly affected by the most severe degree of capsular contracture, the commonest complication of breast implants. The surgical technique is sometimes referred to colloquially as an 'en-bloc' resection.
The photograph on the right shows the relatively undamaged underlying textured silicone implants once the severely contracted capsule has been removed.
If you opt for smooth or textured silicone implants you have an approximately 20% (1 in 5) chance of this complication happening to you, requiring further surgery. In contrast, polyurethane foam covered silicone implants have a vastly reduced risk of this complication - approximately 2% (1 in 50 - it is all about the science) - but demand far greater technical surgical expertise during augmentation surgery.
Insist your plastic/cosmetic surgeon is properly trained, experienced and can justify why they use the type of breast implants they offer. Be prepared simply to walk away.
Bespoke aesthetic surgery. www.northeastplasticsurgery.com.au(Melbourne and Brisbane). Art. Science. Surgery. The discerning choice.

Breast Implant Placement Options - What You Should Know

There are many reasons to consider a breast implant procedure - you may be unhappy with the way your clothes fit, you may have unevenly shaped or lopsided breasts, or you may need a reconstruction after surgery or an accident. Whatever the reason, most people don't make the decision to have breast surgery without considering all the pros and cons. One of the decisions you will need to make is placement of the implant. This article discusses what the options are and their individual advantages.


Breast implants and ALCL - the TGA advice.

Mr Tansley, Censor in Chief of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery, is pleased to have been part of the Expert Advisory Panel assisting the Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia on the association between breast implants and Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL). Read the advice at https://www.tga.gov.au/alert/breast-implants



How to Speed Up Your Recovery From Breast Augmentation Surgery

Whatever your reason for considering breast augmentation surgery, it is a big step to take. There are many factors to consider and breast augmentation like any surgery, does carry some degree of risk. This article looks at the recovery period after breast augmentation, and the things you can do to help speed recovery and get back on your feet after the surgery.


What to Expect After Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, mammoplasty, or a 'boob job' are some of the names given to the surgical procedure where a prosthetic implant is inserted behind the breasts to enhance their size and shape. There are many reasons for considering a breast augmentation, but the underlying issue is usually that the appearance of your breasts can have a really negative effect on how you feel about yourself.

In this article, we look at what happens after breast augmentation surgery including what happens during recovery and the potential risks and complications.


Typical Results & Expectations From Breast Augmentation Surgery

The decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery is a big step for anyone. While breast augmentation is a common procedure, surgery of any kind can involve potential risks.

The good news is that most women who undergo breast augmentation surgery report being happy with the new shape and size of their breasts. While complications can occur, the risks can be reduced if you choose a qualified surgeon experienced in cosmetic plastic surgery. This article discusses typical results and expectations from breast augmentation surgery.


How To Minimise The Risk Of Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you have been considering breast augmentation, you've probably used the internet to do some research. No doubt you've been advised to 'do your homework', but what exactly does that mean?

In Australia, the demand for cosmetic surgical services is high and the industry isn't as regulated as other areas of medical practice. As a result, the industry's reputation has suffered because consumers aren't getting the quality they should expect. It pays to do your homework in choosing a surgeon to perform your breast augmentation - the choice of surgeon has a significant impact on how happy you will be with the final outcome.

In this article, we offer advice on what to focus on when making your decision regarding breast augmentation surgery in Melbourne or Brisbane, in order to minimise potential risk and complications.


Am I A Candidate For Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in Australia. It is quite low risk when performed by a qualified surgeon and the satisfaction rate is high, with most women reporting that they love the size and shape of their new breasts and that they felt more attractive and less self-conscious.

If you have been wondering if breast augmentation is the right procedure for you, this article examines what makes someone a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery.


Breast Implants - 4 Things To Consider Before Surgery

The decision to have breast augmentation surgery is the first important decision you will need to make following careful consideration. The next decision is the type of implant, size of implant, choice of surgeon and the hospital where the surgery will be performed. One of the factors which can influence how happy you will be with the outcome of the surgery is the choice of breast prosthesis or breast implant.

This article explains the four criteria you need to consider in choosing the breast implant that will provide you with the results you are looking for.


How To Prepare For A Breast Augmentation Consultation

If you are thinking about having a breast augmentation procedure you have probably done your internet research. At some point however, you need to take the next step and speak to a surgeon either because you have questions which weren't answered by the information you have found or because you are ready to choose a surgeon in order to move forward.

The first consultation can be a bit confronting. This article looks at some of the questions you might want to ask your surgeon and aspects of the surgery which are important to consider before making your decision.


Top Reasons Why People Have Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation, mammoplasty or a 'boob job' is still one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed world wide. Since the first augmentations were performed over 50 years ago, there have been many improvements in technique and in the implants themselves, but the reasons why it has remained popular are still the same. If you are unhappy with the way your breasts look, it can have a devastating effect on your confidence and self esteem.

In this article we look at the top reasons why people choose to have this procedure and what you need to consider if you are contemplating breast augmentation surgery. We also give you an overview of the process involved.


What To Expect Before and During Breast Augmentation

Women decide to have breast augmentation surgery for a number of very personal reasons including being dissatisfied by the size and shape of their breasts. The good news is that the majority of women report being really happy with the results of their surgery and feel that the quality of their lives has improved after breast augmentation.

In this article we explain breast augmentation surgery and what the procedure involves.


Breast Augmentation - How To Choose The Right Surgeon

Choosing the right surgeon for your surgery is the most critical decision you need to consider. You are, after all literally putting your body in their hands. You should choose a Surgeon with whom you feel comfortable and who has significant experience in performing breast augmentation surgery and breast reconstructive surgery.

In Australia, any medical doctor can perform cosmetic surgical procedures without undergoing specialist plastic surgical training. We have seen the disastrous outcomes from this in the media.

Plastic and Reconstructive surgery requires several years of specialist training in a dedicated training program after the completion of a basic medical degree.
