Top 6 Reasons for Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty

Following weight loss or pregnancy your skin may take some time to shrink back to your slimmer figure.  In some cases however, the skin may not shrink back entirely and the excess skin may remain. This can have an impact on how you dress and feel about yourself. If you are considering options to address excess abdominal skin then abdominoplasty surgery could be an option.

In this article we discuss six top reasons why people seek abdominoplasty surgery, commonly referred to as a tummy tuck.


Tummy Tuck Or Liposuction – Which Do I Need?

Following pregnancy or weight loss, it’s not uncommon for people to consider liposuction to optimise the appearance of their tummies. They should also consider if they would benefit more from a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty surgery which addresses excess skin, tighten muscles which have stretched apart and removes fat rather than focus on the fat tissue alone with liposuction.

Tummy tuck surgery aims to remove loose skin resulting from significant weight loss after diet and exercise, bariatric or weight loss surgery or pregnancy. In this article, we explain what the surgery involves and what it can address.


Abdominoplasty Explained

Tired of trying to hide your stomach to improve your silhouette? Want to improve your tummy profile but feel like you’ve tried everything? Abdominoplasty surgery, commonly referred to as a ‘tummy tuck’ aims to remove loose skin resulting from significant weight loss after diet and exercise, weight loss surgery or pregnancy.

The surgery aims to achieve a firm, flat abdomen with narrowing of the waist by tightening the rectus abdominis (six-pack) muscles. Tightening these muscles can improve core muscle strength and reduce back strain.


Answer To Changes In Rebates For Tummy Tuck Surgery

Patients wishing to consider abdominoplasty are set to lose more than just their tummies as The Department of Health and Ageing removes Medicare funding associated with surgery.
